Notice and Demand
Your place to demand necessary changes and force rule of law. Together we can make the world a much better place for all!
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Featured Demands
Our Story

The Hope For Poor Children Foundation works to improve the lives of poor children and their families, primarily in the developing world, with a strong emphasis on self-help and personal responsibility.

The Foundation concentrates on basic necessities, especially safe drinking water and sanitation, health care and nutrition, and education, by supporting well-managed, effective organizations on the ground.
The Hope for Poor Children Foundation supports practical, scalable, sustainable solutions to problems of poverty, and seeks to leverage its resources in collaboration and partnership. The Foundation has no paid employees, pays no rent or other overhead, and 100% of donations are deployed to benefit the poor.
Recent Causes
Stop W.H.O. Vaccines & PCR – End Untested & Unsafe Emergency Use Listing Products (EUL)
Petition to World Health Organization
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Interest Of Justice46 supporters39
Interest Of Justice51 supporters39
What Do We Hope

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David Gil
David Gil
Karen Skinner
Karen Skinner
Graphic Designer
Patrick Chew
Patrick Chew
Product Header
Megan Lubin
Megan Lubin
Marketing Manager